It is not always easy to understand the children in front of us, especially if we don’t understand ourselves.

Ultimate Guided Parent Success Course

This guided Ultimate Parent Success Course is about you making profound shifts in your parenting and family relationships.

Suitable for parents of children of all ages, teachers, grandparents, nannies. This course provides a deep, transformational experience for you as a parent first, as you begin to understand that your feelings and unconscious belief patterns are left over from your own childhood and the way you were parented. You will discover new tools on how to parent your children, understand their behaviour, how to best support yourself and them as you create a harmonious, authentic and connected relationship.


  • Setting Your Intentions as an Empowered Parent

  • Making Sense of Attachment Science

  • Making Sense of Mindsight and Brain Science

  • Empowered Conversations

  • Playful Parenting and Storytelling

  • Exploring Anger and Healthy Aggression

  • The Ten Pillars of Empowered Parenting

  • Making Sense of Nervous System Science

  • Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence

  • Empowered Conversations

  • Establishing Boundaries from Family Values

  • Your Personal Transformation

The unconscious mind accounts for over 90% of our behavior, and when it comes to parenting, we know that our buttons get pushed without us even understanding why.

During the course, you are able to quickly release the old unconscious belief patterns and replace them with your own empowering beliefs—the ones that will truly support your best parenting.

What you’ll experience in your Ultimate Parent Success Course is that there is no need for time-outs, consequences or punishments as a means to discipline your child.

Instead, we work together with your new parenting tools to develop a deep connection with your child, so that you and your child have simple, effective communication, and an awareness of family values.

You and your child are able to easily move through conflicts within the home. You will nurture a deep connection that allows your child to feel safe to communicate with you through any situation.

When you access the parenting tools in your Ultimate Parent Success Course, you’ll notice a decrease in your frustration level, less conflict in the home, a difference in your child’s behavior and most importantly, a deep sense of calm and connection, with the peace of mind that comes when you know you are doing your very best as a parent.

You are in the right place if you are looking for a way THROUGH, with guided support.

This is a 12 week course designed to support you in making a real change in your parenting. If you are ready for significant change and 12 weeks of support then this is for you!

This course provides the science, the wisdom and the tools to help you create the dynamic you actually WANT in your parenting life.

During the 12 weeks you get weekly one on one sessions to integrate the material into your personal circumstances.

I am a Jai Certified Parenting Coach.

Your children, are not your children. They are the sons and the daughters of life’s longing for itself.

-Kahlil Gibran


1:1 Coaching for Parents

Coaching for every parent. Whether your children are adults, teens or toddlers (or not even born yet!) this process and support will make a world of difference in your parenting journey.

Each session provides relief, inspiration, and integration along with practical tools and resources.​

I’ll help you identify your areas of strength, connection and values, while supporting you to continue becoming what your children need without exhausting your physical, emotional and spiritual reserves. ​Schedule a free introductory call to see if we’re a fit.

Rate for individual coaching is $120/hour (Discount for multiple visits).

Find your Joy

Your children are here to support you, believe it or not!